Characterisation and applications of $\Bbbk$-split bimodules


  • Volodymyr Mazorchuk
  • Vanessa Miemietz
  • Xiaoting Zhang



We describe the structure of bimodules (over finite dimensional algebras) which have the property that the functor of tensoring with such a bimodule sends any module to a projective module. The main result is that all such bimodules are $\Bbbk $-split in the sense that they factor (inside the tensor category of bimodules) over $\Bbbk $-vector spaces. As one application, we show that any simple $2$-category has a faithful $2$-representation inside the $2$-category of $\Bbbk $-split bimodules. As another application, we classify simple transitive $2$-representations of the $2$-category of projective bimodules over the algebra $\Bbbk [x,y]/(x^2,y^2,xy)$.


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How to Cite

Mazorchuk, V., Miemietz, V., & Zhang, X. (2019). Characterisation and applications of $\Bbbk$-split bimodules. MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 124(2), 161–178.


