A comparison formula for residue currents
Given two ideals $\mathcal {I}$ and $\mathcal {J}$ of holomorphic functions such that $\mathcal {I} \subseteq \mathcal {J}$, we describe a comparison formula relating the Andersson-Wulcan currents of $\mathcal {I}$ and $\mathcal {J}$. More generally, this comparison formula holds for residue currents associated to two generically exact Hermitian complexes together with a morphism between the complexes.
One application of the comparison formula is a generalization of the transformation law for Coleff-Herrera products to Andersson-Wulcan currents of Cohen-Macaulay ideals. We also use it to give an analytic proof by means of residue currents of theorems of Hickel, Vasconcelos and Wiebe related to the Jacobian ideal of a holomorphic mapping.
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