On the convergence of iterates of convolution operators in Banach spaces


  • Heybetkulu Mustafayev




Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group and let $M(G)$ be the measure algebra of $G$. A measure $\mu \in M(G)$ is said to be power bounded if $\sup _{n\geq 0}\lVert \mu ^{n} \rVert _{1}<\infty $. Let $\mathbf {T} = \{ T_{g}:g\in G\}$ be a bounded and continuous representation of $G$ on a Banach space $X$. For any $\mu \in M(G)$, there is a bounded linear operator on $X$ associated with µ, denoted by $\mathbf {T}_{\mu }$, which integrates $T_{g}$ with respect to µ. In this paper, we study norm and almost everywhere behavior of the sequences $\{ \mathbf {T}_{\mu }^{n}x\}$ $(x\in X)$ in the case when µ is power bounded. Some related problems are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Mustafayev, H. (2020). On the convergence of iterates of convolution operators in Banach spaces. MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 126(2), 339–366. https://doi.org/10.7146/math.scand.a-119601


