Canonical subsheaves of torsionfree semistable sheaves


  • Indranil Biswas
  • A. J. Parameswaran



Let $F$ be a torsionfree semistable coherent sheaf on a polarized normal projective variety defined over an algebraically closed field. We prove that $F$ has a unique maximal locally free subsheaf $V$ such that $F/V$ is torsionfree and $V$ also admits a filtration of subbundles for which each successive quotient is a stable vector bundle whose slope is $\mu (F)$. We also prove that $F$ has a unique maximal reflexive subsheaf $W$ such that $F/W$ is torsionfree and $W$ admits a filtration of subsheaves for which each successive quotient is a stable reflexive sheaf whose slope is $\mu (F)$. We show that these canonical subsheaves behave well with respect to the pullback operation by étale Galois covering maps. Given a separable finite surjective map $\phi \colon Y \longrightarrow X$ between normal projective varieties, we give a criterion for the induced homomorphism of étale fundamental groups $\phi _*\colon \pi ^{\textrm {et}}_{1}(Y) \longrightarrow \pi ^{\textrm {et}}_{1}(X)$ to be surjective. The criterion in question is expressed in terms of the above mentioned unique maximal locally free subsheaf associated to the direct image $\phi _*{\mathcal O}_Y$.


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How to Cite

Biswas, I., & Parameswaran, A. J. (2022). Canonical subsheaves of torsionfree semistable sheaves. MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 128(2).


