A study of H. Martens' Theorem on chains of cycles


  • Marc Coppens




Let C be a smooth curve of genus g and let d,r be integers with 1rg2 and 2rdg2+r. H. Martens' Theorem states that dim(Wrd(C))=d2r implies C is hyperelliptic. It is known that for a metric graph Γ of genus g such statement using dim(Wrd(Γ)) does not hold. However replacing dim(Wrd(Γ)) by the so-called Brill-Noether rank wrd(Γ) it was stated as a conjecture. Using a similar definition in the case of curves one has dim(Wrd(C))=wrd(C).

Let Γ be a chain of cycles of genus g and let r,d be integers with 1rg2 and 2rdg3+r. If wrd(Γ)=d2r then we prove Γ is hyperelliptic. In case g2r+3 then we prove there exist non-hyperelliptic chains of cycles satisfying wrg2+r(Γ)=g2r, contradicting the conjecture. We give a complete description of all counterexamples within the set of chains of cycles to the statement of H. Martens' Theorem. Those counterexamples also give rise to chains of cycles such that wrg2+r(Γ)w1gr(Γ). This shows that the Riemann-Roch duality does not hold for the Brill-Noether ranks of metric graphs.


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How to Cite

Coppens, M. (2025). A study of H. Martens’ Theorem on chains of cycles. MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 131(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/math.scand.a-153210


