Style files

There are two journal style files for Mathematica Scandinavica

  1. mathscan.cls: the LaTeX class file
  2. mscplain.bst: the BibTeX style file

The class file is based on the amsart.cls for LaTeX, but documents written with the standard article.cls can also be adapted to the journal style. The following points describe what to do.

  1. Download the mathscan.cls file from the above link and put it in your working directory.
  2. Write (or modify) the first line of the preamble to be
    Do not load the geometry package or change dimensions such as the \textwidth. The class file loads most of the standard amsmath related packages, so you do not need to load these explicitly.
  3. Your \newtheorem-commands should be plain and without font commands. Use the switch \theoremstyle{definition} to get the body text to be roman for Definitions and Remarks etc.:
  4. Use \mathbb for the symbols for the reals, integers, etc., preferably via definitions like
    Do not use the obsolete command \Bbb. Similarly, use \emph and \textbf instead of the obeselete commands \it and \bf. Do not change the meaning of standard LaTeX commands.
  5. The proof environment is already defined in mathscan.cls. Mathematica Scandinavica does not use an end of proof symbol, instead make sure your proofs end with some suitable phrase: as claimed, or completing the proof.
  6. Footnotes should be avoided throughout. Acknowledgements may be placed at the end of the main text in \begin{acknowledgements}...\end{acknowledgements}
  7. Figures should be allowed to float. Image files should be in a vector graphic format such as .eps. Tables, if needed, are best formatted using the booktabs.sty package.
  8. References should be prepared either using the \begin{thebibiliography}...\end{thebibliography} or via BibTeX using the mscplain.bst style file provided above. Please do not use biblatex.sty or amsrefs.sty.
  9. Do not worry about line spacing irregularities in the paper version you send to mscand. These will be taken care of by the typesetter! Vertical skips other than those that the Latex-environments produces automatically should be kept to a minimum; please be conservative. If you use such (extra) vertical skips between paragraphs, they should be justified by a suitable change of content (as if you are suppressing a subsection-title). Prefer \smallbreak to \smallskip.
  10. For documents of article.cls: if you modify from a document written with the standard LaTeX article class, some words of warning are in order.
    1. Do not call the package amsmath.sty (it is done already).
    2. Do not call packages like theorem.sty or other theorem packages (amsthm.sty is already loaded).
    3. The abstract should be contained in an environment \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} and this should come before \maketitle.
    4. All of the commands \title, \author, \address,... should be in the text (not in the preamble), i.e. after \begin{document}, but before \maketitle.
    5. Equations should be referenced with \eqref rather than \ref.

Here is a small skeleton document containing a typical preamble and title material:







\title[Short title]{Long full title of paper}

\author{First author}
City and postcode\\

\author{Second author}
City and postcode\\

  Short description of the content of the paper.
  Do not use cite commands here and keep mathematical expressions to a



Main text starts here.
We cite the paper~\cite{Knudsen76}.

\section{Previous results}

  x = yz.

  If $z \ne 0$, then $y = x/z$.

  This follows from equation~\eqref{eq:x}.

Theorem~\ref{thm:y} is not new.

\bibitem{Knudsen76} Knudsen, F.~F. and Mumford, D., \emph{The
  projectivity of the moduli space of stable curves. I. Preliminaries
  on ``det'' and ``Div''}, Math. Scand.  39 (1976), no.~1, 19--55.
