Author Guidelines
Submission of papers to Mathematica Scandinavica
New submissions to the journal should be made via EditFlow at the link below. Before starting submission you should do the following.
- Read the guidelines on the rest of this page, including information about length and style of manuscripts and handling of data.
- Have your manuscript ready as a single file in pdf-format.
- Look at the list of members of the editorial committee and be prepared to select one who is mathematically most relevant for your submission.
Having done this you may then follow the
link for online submission via EditFlow
to submit your manuscript.
These guidelines may be amended or updated; the current version posted is the one that applies; authors should therefore check the latest version here.
Authors should keep a copy of their manuscripts since the publisher cannot accept responsibility for lost copies. There are no author fees for this journal.
If the paper is a revised version of a manuscript previously sent to the journal, then you should not use the above link, but rather follow the instructions you received when the revision was invited.
Authors should not send multiple papers to the journal within a short period of time, unless by prior agreement.
Submission of manuscripts implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to transfer of the copyright to the publisher.
Manuscript length and style
Mathematica Scandinavica publishes high quality research papers in mathematics of moderate length. This typically means that submissions significantly longer than 30 journal pages will not be considered.
Authors are advised to study the printing style of the journal before making the final version of the manuscript. Style files may be downloaded from the style file page.
A not too condensed style is recommended. The pages should be numbered consecutively (not by section or paragraph).
The article should include a short descriptive title. Mathematical symbols should be avoided in the title whenever possible. For all authors, please provide contact information, including postal and email addresses, in the manuscript.
Footnotes should be avoided.
The article must contain a short abstract. Here formulas should be used only when necessary and should be kept to a minimum. Please note that the abstract should be able to be read independently of the main text. In particular, in the abstract citations to other articles should be avoided if possible; necessary citations should contain full details.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper, numbered consecutively without square brackets, whereas references in the text should be indicated by numbers in square brackets. The list of references should only contain those articles cited in the paper.
The general format for references can be found in recent issues of Mathematica Scandinavica. Authors should consult MathSciNet for standard abbreviations of journal names.
Peer review process
Authors may choose any member of the editorial committee as the initial handling editor. Papers may be reassigned to a different editor or discussed with other members of the editorial committee as necessary. Editors will share paper information with each other and with the editorial office.
Submissions are initially screened to check whether they fit within in the author guidelines and the scope of the journal. If this is the case, they are then sent to one or more experts in the area of the paper to obtain a report on the article's quality and suitability for publication.
For papers published in 2020, the median time from submission to a final decision was 7 months.
Accepted papers
Manuscripts received are assumed to be final. If excessive changes are requested after an article has been typeset, the author will be charged with the cost of the alterations other than the printer’s errors.
Authors of papers accepted for publication will be asked to supply an electronic version of the paper. The file should be in LaTeX, and it should be sent by attached mail. They will also be asked to transfer copyright to Mathematica Scandinavica.
Between acceptance and final publication, the title and authors of the paper will be listed under forthcoming articles.
Before publication, authors will be sent galley proofs by email for approval. Corrections should be returned promptly. Please keep us informed of changes in your contact information to avoid delays in this process.
Each author receives a pdf-file for personal use with the final typeset version of the paper.
Author self-archiving
Authors of accepted articles are permitted to post electronic versions of their paper, either before (pre-print) or after peer review (post-print/accepted manuscript), on the author's personal website, the author's institutional repository and non-commercial preprint servers such as, provided that each posting is accompanied by a text stating that the final version of the article is published in Mathematica Scandinavica (with volume, page numbers and DOI, once available).
Self-archiving of the final typeset version (publisher's version/final pdf) of the article is not permitted.
Data handling and retention policy
For submissions that are assessed for publication, irrespective of the editorial outcome, the journal may store the following information indefinitely
- all submission files sent or uploaded by the corresponding authors
- submission information data (title, date, co-authors, etc.)
- completed reviewer reports
- e-mail correspondence from the journal, editors, authors and reviewers
For the purposes of publishing your article, your information may be transferred and processed abroad by us and third parties (e.g., service providers such as MSP for EditFlow) in countries outside the European Economic Area (e.g., the US).
This is done to manage the editorial and production process in accordance with the above procedures.